Hello everyone. Know of computers is pretty good, especially now that there are in the era of technology and know where that system is almost mandatory, but if you're the one who knows more than others, ie if you're a smart guy who fixes computers and assembles and disassembles as were a game, you'll have to see this 10 reasons not to remain the most knowledgeable of PC's.
Let listed from back to front up to The main thrust and certainly with individual rage they accepted many times to be on computer whiz is not that good as seems:
10. Most of your achievements, are invisible: rarely hear ... "We just wanted you to know that everything is going great." The reality is that people only talk to tell you that something is wrong.
If you work hard to make things run smoothly and there is no problems, and everything works as it should work, then people think you do nothing. Everything you do or manage to work well will never be seen by people or users. Only you will realize when something goes wrong and you talk to fix it.
9. Every conversation you have, it will be almost the same : When "That computer guy dares to say what he does, the typical response is always," I have a question about the computer I have in my house ... "
Or when you explain to someone how to solve a problem where it is required to carry out a process, this person will not be able to retain information and be sentenced to explain the solution and the same process over and over again for life.
8. Are you an expert in technology for any product that has just come out, right?: "The computer knows" is usually in situations where someone asks for advice on an investment that has yet to do on a X related product technology. Ahem:
"I learned (X product) that can do (very advanced) for me. I brought this (advertising / brochure / magazine cut / URL writing) so that you look at it and give me your opinion. What you buy you? "
Anyway, the person who asks this question relies on "who knows about computers" rather than their own opinion, so that only want to feel safe before making a purchase at high risk due to product price and novelty.
And finally, ended up being a terrible product that did what they wanted, then you will be subject of discussion: "But honey," That computer guy said I should buy it! "
7. Your talent is always necessarily devalued: Thanks to the continued fall of prices in the technology industry, "He who knows computers" can never charge a reasonable amount without this will be discussed by the client. If you try to be recovered you will find the classic argument, and why not buy a new one better?
So, for example, desktop computers are becoming smaller and worth less, if "that computer guy spent about 5 hours fixing say one, and wants to charge by the time it took to fix it, the client will reply by saying: "But how I want to charge so much for fixing it, if even I spent so much on buying the full PC, why should I pay so much, just to fix it?
6. You are not allowed to have a moment of peace: "The computer knows is so susceptible to being disturbed or interrupted rarely finds an opportunity to work on their own problems, this is because:
1. Computers never sleep
.2. Computer problems are not asking the time.
3. Every problem takes time to be diagnosed.
4. "Anyone who knows computers" can only devote their full attention to a single problem.
5. Each user believes their problem needs immediate attention.
consistently, "He who knows computers" has an obligation to keep systems running 24 / 7 while simultaneously juggling with the problems of others. Many times you will have to give up opportunities that will help him move forward with their own problems to deal with the other, because at any time, any day can be interrupted by anyone who wants to make your problem a problem also "Anyone who knows computers."
5. People ask you Miracles: Sometimes "The computer knows" is mistaken for someone who possesses the powers of an old priest and a young priest and can easily put this example:
"No, I can not retrieve files Your Pendrive, even though you found after your dog to swallow right out of the washing machine ... "
4. Anything you say will make others feel bad : I still do not understand that people do not see that there are plenty of divisions between the technology industry and "who knows computers," we "Anyone who knows about computers "can not be an expert in everything, and no matter what you say, when more than try to explain to the person who really can not help you solve your problem, this will feel bad and assume that you are keeping the information for not helping .
This brings us to the next point:
3. You have unlimited liabilities: "Anyone who knows computers" is implied the expectation of resolving the problems, so it is very difficult to see what the limits of those expectations.
Some of the things I have been asked to do are:
- Explain how to steal passwords from Hotmail and Facebook .- Install the latest generation games on computers that barely lit. Solve
can range from changing the batteries to a wireless keyboard to investigating why the power goes out in the building each morning.
2. A life of alien: People just speaks to "who knows computers" when they need to fix something.
In fact, when "He who knows computers" is about any user that gets up and gave him the chair as a sign that has come to fix something, as if it never could be all that is has come to have a conversation not has nothing to do with computers.
The fact that "He who knows computers" does not have a moment of peace, this can force tending to move away to be alone. Your coworkers do not understand that he does not want to hear about their problems with their pc's in your lunch. That's why "Those who know computers" eaten alone with the door closed at all times and it does because it is not friendly if not escape of any individual who might harass to interrupt with the same problems.
1. You have no identity: is a horrible experience when "that computer guy approaches the door of his neighbor with a plate of Christmas cookies just to see and hear as a child opens the door saying," Mom, who manages the PC is here, "believe me they are praying for them an identity that has nothing to do with computers, but unfortunately the label of" He who knows computers "always will be with you wherever you go. Can not avoid, have given a name and so call forever.